Marijuana comes from an Indian Hemp plant. Cannabis describes the drugs that are made from this plant to include hashish and marijuana. Marijuana has many different names to include: dope, hemp, grass, Mary jane, pot, reefer, roach, weed, herb, Texas tea, and a few others. Marijuana can be smoked or ingested. The main chemical in marijuana is Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC binds to receptors in the brain effecting many areas of functioning. The levels of THC have been steadily increasing since 1970 which makes marijuana more dangerous to use. The higher the amount of THC the higher the risk of dependency. Just because marijuana is legal in some states, does not make it safe. The FDA has not found that the benefits of marijuana outweigh the risks. Marijuana is even more dangerous to youth because your brain is still developing and any outside chemical has a potential to cause major problems.
Possible Long Term Effects
Lung Cancer
Decrease in Cognitive Ability
Decrease in Memory and Learning
Relationship Problems
Poorer Health
Lower Life Satisfaction
Imune System Damages
Reduced Sexual Capacity
Reduction of Male Sex Hormones
Personality and Mood Changes

Possible Short Term Effects
Lack of Coordination
Impaired Decision Making
Short Term Memory Problems
Increased Heart Rate
Dry Mouth
Red Eyes
Fluctuations of Blood Pressure
Stats and Facts
4.2 Million Americans are dependent on or abuse marijuana.
Marijuana is the second leading substance that people seek treatment for
Marijuana is on the major causes of ER visits.
In 2005, there were 242,200 emergency room visits in US involving marijuana.
Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals.
Of adults 26 or older who used marijuana before age 15, 62% went on to use cocaine at some point, 9% went on to use heroin, and 54% misused prescriptions drugs at some point.

Stats and Facts
4.2 Million Americans are dependent on or abuse marijuana.
Marijuana is the second leading substance that people seek treatment for
Marijuana is on the major causes of ER visits.
In 2005, there were 242,200 emergency room visits in US involving marijuana.
Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals.
Of adults 26 or older who used marijuana before age 15, 62% went on to use cocaine at some point, 9% went on to use heroin, and 54% misused prescriptions drugs at some point.
Take Action Parents
Look at the facts and get educated. No matter how you look at it using marijuana is dangerous, especially for young people. Don’t risk your future for a quick high. Not everyone becomes addicted, but why take the chance that you could be someone who does. Parents talk to your children and know you have the support of CoAPT.
Blanco Coalition of Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment of Substance Abuse.
© 2017 Blanco CoAPT